Saturday, 25 April 2015

Makeup Mistakes We've All Made

So this week i thought i'd help all the makeup beginners out there because i know some of these tips that i have in here would've good to know when I was starting out in makeup. Now i'm not a makeup guru so if you don't like what i have to say then bye bye. So let's get on with this blog.

So, when you first start out with makeup your more likely to get the wrong shade so to save yourself the shame go into a beauty store and ask on of the people on the makeup counters and they'll help you out. If that sounds to intimidating to you just ask your mom. She probably knows more than you do and I'm sure she'd love to help you out. Plus a lot a people's makeup peeve is seeing someone wearing foundation in the wrong shade.

Secondly, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months, you will have noticed Kylie Jenner's lips and how popular they're becoming. Because of this sudden popularity, people are trying to recreate the look and oh my god can it go terribly wrong. I mean if you can't line your lips properly, put down the lip liner and back away from your makeup set.

Next if you're going to fill in your eyebrows then good for you but don't make it too obvious. And if a boy comments on your brows you just know they're too obvious. i mean you don't want to look like you have slugs on your face right?

Lastly if  you are going to wear blusher, make sure you wear it right. You should NOT put it on your cheekbones but just on your cheeks trust me, you will thank me. And secondly don't pack too much blush on, you don't want it to be noticeable, you want to look like your flushed and healthy.

I hope this helped you and hopefully you won't make the same mistakes I did.

Have a great day today, tomorrow and every single day<3

Saturday, 18 April 2015

The Would You Rather Tag

So this week I thought I would do the would you rather tag, so here it goes.

Would you rather walk around all day with you skirt tucked in your underwear or be seen wearing a really see through dress?

I would for sure walk with a really see through dress, considering i would be wearing underwear and everything wasn't just hanging out, than walking around all day with my skirt tucked in my underwear. I mean think about it #embarrassing.

Would you rather go to a party and not realize until the end of the night that you have lipstick on your teeth or that your fake lashes are coming unglued?

Well apart from the fact that I don’t wear false eyelashes right now, (never say never right) and I have suffered from the trauma of having lipstick on my teeth before. I would have to go with the lipstick on teeth.

Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?

I would rather forget to put blush on one side of my face, mostly because I CANNOT forget to put mascara on my ity bity lashes, so sorry blush but it’s got to be you.

Would you rather wear lipstick/lipliner combo or frosty blue eyeshadow?

I would for sure take the lipstick/lipliner combo because a) I rock the combo and b) I cannot and I mean cannot ever see myself in a frost blue eyeshadow, it just wouldn’t look cute.

Would you rather wear foundation that is two shades too light or go way overboard on bronzer?

Even though I’ve already experienced going out in foundation that is two too light (everyone has right?) i would rather go overboard with the bronzer and if I went way overboard on bronzer you probably would be able to tell, so yeah.

Would you rather drink an entire bottle of ketchup or run into the guy who broke your heart on a bad hair day when your skin is freaking out?

This was a hard decision but ultimately pick running into the guy who broke my heart on a bad hair day when my skin is breaking out BECAUSE if he broke my heart then I don’t give a DAMN about him and what he thinks abut me and I don’t want ketchup to ever be ruined for me.

Would you rather be able to date any celeb you wanted or wake up with perfect red carpet-worthy hair?

I know this is going to sound super vain but I would rather be able to date a celeb I wanted, preferably ROBERT PATTINSON, (hallelujah), because he is my a) man crush and b) having the opportunity to date him would be too good to give up.

Would you rather give up your makeup or cell phone for one year?

I would rather give up my cell phone for a year, not because I’m so self-conscious about myself, but because I feel that I don’t really use my phone that much and it wouldn’t affect me that much and who needs a phone when they have a laptop right?

Would you rather run into a cute guy you like with food all in your grill or no makeup at all?

I would rather run into a cute guy with no makeup at all mainly because running into a cute guy with food all up in my grill is SO unattractive and I think I look fine without any makeup so yeah.

I hope you enjoyed this would you rather blog.

Have a great day today, tomorrow and every single day <3

Saturday, 11 April 2015

A Funny YouTube Video

This week I thought I would do a blog on a video I have recently watched. The video is called the switching clothes challenge or the dress up challenge. Now the creators of this challenge are bf vs gf, but I prefer the video that Marcus butler did. The reason I’ve decided to do this blog because the video was so funny so I thought I’d enlighten you on it. They will literally leave you crying with laughter.

Feel free to tell me what you think about these videos down in the comments below and which one you like the best.

Have a great day today, tomorrow and every single day <3

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Saturday, 4 April 2015

School Uniforms: Yay or Nay

Whether you hate them or love them, there is an ongoing debate about them. So let’s weigh out the pros and cons of both sides.
If you live in the UK you are probably required wear school uniforms but if you live in the USA you don’t have to wear school uniforms. (What a lucky bunch). So far 25% of primary schools wear school uniforms and about 10% of secondary schools wear school uniforms. 

Yay School Uniforms:
Well first of all whether you like it or not students look more untied, together. They make the school look like they have a better image. It also takes the pressure off parents from buying trendy clothes to keep children satisfied. Lastly money is being saved i.e. resulting in more pocket money. (Yay!!!)

                      Nay School Uniforms:
Students won’t be able to express themselves, feeling left out. It can influence harmful cliques and isolate peers. (Not a good idea). Tbh (to be honest) no child feels like they’re being heard about school uniforms and can rebel against their peers and teachers.

Yay for non-School Uniforms
Children won’t have to find different ways to express themselves. So you won’t have to worry as much about children rebelling against you or the school I have just one question to whoever’s reading this. Would you feel better in your own clothes or uniforms? Just think about that.

Nay for non-School Uninforms
Children take more time getting ready in the morning. I know I would. I mean (if you’re a girl) think of doing your hair, putting on makeup, (if you do that) and finally picking out an outfit in the morning. Absolute chaos.  Children are more exposed to bullying, with children always competing to see who has the better this or that, leading them to become more insecure. Children can also feel that they can ditch schools because they’re not going to be recognised by anyone for their uniforms do they can easily get away with it.

So are you Yay or Nay?

Have a great day today, tomorrow and every single day <3